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Lemon Cake

Sugar Crease – Lemon Cake: A Histrionically Vortexical Indie Neo-Pop Odyssey

Lemon Cake by Sugar Crease, extracted from their sophomore LP, Lemon Warhead, is a neo-pop odyssey that redefines the boundaries of indie with its baroque-esque indulgence and kaleidoscopic layers, which transform the mundane into a fever dream of sonic extravagance.

The way the vortexical instrumentals weave through the track is reminiscent of a grand ‘let them eat cake’ gesture, opulent and unapologetically bold. At the heart of this auditory vortex lies the crooning indie vocals, serving as a gravitational pull amidst the whirlwind of sound. As a cohesive whole, the track is so compelling that it could make even Mike Patton’s work seem pedestrian by comparison.

Despite the histrionic effects, Lemon Cake possesses a deep, compelling quality. It’s a sugar fix of an indie single that appeals to a wide range of listeners, from fans of the Walkmen to devotees of Magazine. The track is a testament to Sugar Crease’s ability to blend the whimsical with the profound, creating music that resonates on multiple levels.

Sugar Crease, originally a musical therapy group, has evolved into an indie powerhouse. With their recent decision to push their music and prepare for live performances, they have added a new dimension to their artistry. The addition of guitarist Mark Finch, instrumentalist Andrew Preston, and drummer Richie Gradwell has completed their lineup, leading to sold-out gigs and a growing fanbase. We can’t wait to hear where they go from here.

Stream Lemon Cake on Spotify.

Review by Amelia Vandergast