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Legitimate Pink

Bring a bag of ice: Legitimate Pink is out there having fun with friends on Lets Kick It

From the gutter and now winning whichever way you look at it, Legitimate Pink shows us all the value of entertaining vibes with genuine friends who actually want you to succeed in life with the tremendously enjoyable summer track, Lets Kick It.

Legitimate Pink is a Los Angeles, California-born Oklahoma City, Oklahoma-based indie RnB artist who has bravely moved on from her convicted felon past and now lives a family-friendly and faith-based lifestyle.

Gliding above the smog-filled skies and bringing us something to hold onto, Legitimate Pink has dropped a rather finger-licking-ly good song to snack on with the crew. This is the type of single which has been made for all the right reasons and Lets Kick It does exactly that. It makes everything okay again. The power of genuine music right?

Lets Kick It from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma-based indie RnB artist Legitimate Pink is one of the most positive tracks to embrace our minds today. There is a pure vibe here. Vocally fresh. Lyrically delightful and soothing all anxious hearts with a glorious melody, this is a summer song to turn up when those sunny skies are changing sour moods around for the better.

When the family is working together, life is just so much more meaningful.

Listen up and get that barbecue lit on Soundcloud.

Follow her journey further on IG.

Reviewed by Llewelyn Screen