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Kerrin Connolly

Retain 2021 optimism with Kerrin Connolly’s release ‘New Year (I’m Counting on You)’

New Year (I’m Counting on You) is a euphoric slice of Indie Pop Rock from up and coming artist Kerrin Connolly. The energy, soul and resilience contained in the anthemic hit may be the antidote to 2020 apathy which we’ve all been looking for.

The grounded optimism contained in New Year is potent enough to transfer into your own hopes for the new year. With the year we’ve all had in 2020, I don’t really need to tell you how invaluable this track is to the airwaves. The nuanced lyrics don’t serve salty reminders of the year just left behind, instead, they invite you to see the opportunity for reinvention and to cut the ties which bound us before the clock struck 12.

Kerrin Connolly’s latest single is available to stream via SoundCloud.

Review by Amelia Vandergast

Lovable Boston native Kerrin Connolly Geek-Rocks her way in the game with ‘’Thanks for Playing’’

This is a solo artist on the rise. With catchy songs and a genuine nature, the world needs more artists like this to cherish- especially during lockdown. 

The cat lover, self-confessed nerd- all with a gorgeous voice- sings her way into the hearts of the world with her new single ‘’Thanks for Playing’’ from her new album Almost, big things are coming for this humble singer from Massachusetts in the USA.

Kerrin is the cute girl next door who keeps on smiling at you and who loves to sing all day. Her music is light-hearted and she is clearly fascinated by the supernatural. Let’s enjoy Kerrin’s fun vibe and remember that life should be enjoyed despite the daily challenges.

Hear more of the wonderful Kerrin and order the new album here .

Reviewed by Llewelyn Screen