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Jazz guitarist

That Peaceful Place: Martin Packwood is rather special with Jazz-inspired debut single ‘Daydreamer’

With his highly anticipated full album set for release in 2022, Martin Packwood soothes all our worries away with one of the most peaceful instrumental-only songs you will hear all year with ‘Daydreamer‘.

Martin Packwood is a solo recording Jazz guitarist and a retired software engineer, who was most active while playing extensively back in the 70’s and 80’s in Birmingham, UK.

You feel like he is playing above the clouds as he is floating around with a massive grin on his face, jamming his trusty guitar because he loves it. There is so much to respect about an artist who has made a comeback after working on his business, who plays with a sterling blend of excellence which is such a blessing to witness.

Daydreamer‘ from the skilled software engineer and Jazz guitarist Martin Packwood, is a lovely piece of music from a highly experienced musician. After reconnecting the much-missed love for his true passion again recently, you feel this raw emotion inside his experienced fingers which absolutely transforms this wonderful single. There is much to hold onto here, as this ravishing riff is just so perfectly constructed with much love attached.

Sometimes you just need to lather in peaceful ambiance, to break away from all of the distracting noise of this pollution-filled world.

Hear this delightful debut on Spotify.

Reviewed by Llewelyn Screen