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Its A Beautiful Day

Hampshire based Folk-Roots artist Megan Linford shines bright with truthful ‘’Lessons’’

Put in time and you will get the results. With a soothing piano to start the song, you know this is going to be good. Giving thanks to her parents, speaking about lessons learnt- no matter how hard the occasional trips and falls. 

Megan Linford’, is making her way on the UK Folk/Indie scene with her sun-kissed melodies and honest lyrics, that shows her humble and grateful attitude to life. She is an Indie artist, doing it herself with the love and support of friends and family. She hosts her own music night in Portsmouth and seems to be learning all the sides of the music industry, a very smart move indeed. 

After already pushing out 2 self- released EP’s and 3 singles, Megan is working hard on her first album set for release in 2020. I personally can’t wait to hear the new music and hopefully lockdown hasn’t slowed anything down for her.

From the little I know about Megan, I can tell that this is an extremely industrious and hard working woman who won’t let anything stop her. Her voice is absolutely breathtaking and I can’t wait to see her live at a gig soon. The local music scene needs people like Megan, someone with a positive message and self-awareness, in these troubled times.

‘’Lessons’’ and more stunning vocals from Megan are here on Spotify.

Reviewed by Llewelyn Screen