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I Would Never

Victorrio came in hot & heavy with his alt-RnB debut, I Would Never

Victorrio’s debut single, I Would Never, marks a compelling entrance into the alt-RnB scene. He came in hot and heavy with the narrative journey which bares his battle scars and weaves through the complexities of romantic turmoil with a finesse that belies his newcomer status.

It’s a genre-defying piece, effortlessly melding elements of stylised soul with a trappy backbeat and pop-inflected production. The brooding effects that add layers of depth and intrigue will undoubtedly resonate with fans of The Weeknd, yet Victorrio carved out his own niche within this familiar territory while exploring the darker side of love. If you’ve ever been burned in ways that leave you perplexed by a romantic partner’s capacity for ruthless malevolence, I Would Never is the ultimate aural salve for heartless iniquity.

To make I Would Never even more affecting, his voice, smooth yet commanding, delivers each line with an alchemic mix of vulnerability and strength and each verse unravels as an intimate vignette. By using his experimentalism as a narrative device which mirrors the track’s tormented thematic elements, I Would Never became haunting and alluring, innovative and introspective in equal measure. Naturally, we can’t wait to hear what follows.

I Would Never was officially released on February 9th; stream the single on Spotify.

Review by Amelia Vandergast