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I Bet

Make You Smile: American RnB singer Damian Eskridge wants her back on ‘Nothin Like Me (I Bet)’

With a seductive element flowing all over his smoothly tipped voice, Damian Eskridge urges her to change direction as the new man is ‘Nothin Like Me (I Bet)‘.

Damian Eskridge is soulful American singer, songwriter, record producer, fitness enthusiast and single father, who makes that sweet music that simultaneously causes candles to be lit and slow dancing to automatically happen all night.

This is the tale of knowing what you want in a relationship and your deeply visualized desires can only be charmingly fulfilled if she is there right by your side, instead of with someone else who doesn’t know how to make your former girl smile, just like you could.

You feel his excitement oozing through the romantic speakers, the pure passion is easy to hear as it infuses the air with love and you feel his willingness to do what ever it takes, to be with her again.

Nothin Like Me (I Bet)‘ from the US singer/producer Damian Eskridge, is a story of a man who is clearly in tune with his body, as he weighs up the options and just knows that this is the only way to be truly happy again.

Head to Spotify to hear the track and follow his busy life on IG.

Reviewed by Llewelyn Screen