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Detroit rock/metal band Hyperiff misses that recognizable world on ‘Take Me Back’

Asking us to guide them through the darkness that has engulfed a world that has undoubtedly transformed drastically from their educated viewpoint, Hyperiff urge those happy times to return quickly on their epic new single called ‘Take Me Back‘.

Hyperiff is a Metro Detroit, USA-based 3-piece rock/metal band who seem to only make those cinematic masterstrokes that have the hairs on the back of your neck standing up to attention.

With an electric arrangement that takes your mind back to the classic memories of the ’80s, Hyperiff dazzle in stupendous fashion with a single that will have you gazing outside and recalling the past moments that you treasure fondly.

Take Me Back‘ from the melodically infused Metro Detroit, USA-based rock/metal act Hyperiff, is a deeply personal song that has you gliding up to the sky and going on a journey back to that place that felt so warm and safe. Sung with a heightened touch by a singer who lets us into her emotional picture of trauma – this is a simply ear-catching single – made with such tender care and love.

Sometimes the world seems ugly and hides away the healthy light, as we hold that caring person’s hand and find that happy place again.

Listen to this powerful new release on Soundcloud and see more on IG.

Reviewed by Llewelyn Screen