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Humble Your Eyes

Step into a spiritual awakening with DORA GOLA’s alt-folk séance, Humble Your Eyes

DORA GOLA’s latest single, ‘Humble Your Eyes’, is a mesmerising journey into the heart of alt-folk, infused with a deep spirituality that resonates with every note. Born in Poland and blossoming in Ireland, DORAG GOLA’s unique blend of Eastern European folk and traditional Irish folk testifies to her profound connection with music and nature.

The track begins with percussion that awakens something primal within the listener, a call to the roots of human existence. The arcane elements of European folk music add a layer of mystique, enhancing the transcendence of her vocal lines which ascend endlessly to deliver a slice of salvation for the soul and an invitation to attune oneself to the mystical allure of nature.

GOLA’s journey from a childhood steeped in a diverse musical heritage to her immersion in Irish culture and mythology has culminated in this hauntingly beautiful single. Her voice, a powerful and sensual force, draws listeners into a narrative of Earth’s consciousness and human longing. The fusion of Slavic folk, brooding synths, and lavish Eastern sounds reaches the epitome of alt-folk innovation. Do your psyche a favour and hit play.

Humble Your Eyes will drop on March 29th; check out the single on DORA GOLA’s official website.

Review by Amelia Vandergast