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Human Trafficking

WD-HAN drove their listeners towards progressive action and revolution in ‘Something’s Gotta Change’

In this year alone the LA-hailing rock outfit, WD-HAN, has riffed right across the rock spectrum with their diverse discography. With their latest single, Something’s Gotta Change, the chameleonic powerhouse turned their vitriol towards political punk-rock to deliver a viscerally empowering hit. If any single has what it takes to spark an anarchist revolution, it’s Something’s Gotta Change.

Starting the hit with the sobering fact that more people are enslaved today than ever in history was an efficacious way for WD-HAN to drive their listener’s compulsions toward progressive action. The collective rise in individualism and apathy created the perfect storm for oppression; we’ve sat back and watched how the marginalised have been attacked – it is only a matter of time before injustice meets everyone who can’t afford to escape into space.

Believing that the issue of human trafficking deserves attention resulted in the release of one of the most impactful anthems we’ve heard this year. The track was created in support of the Foundation for a Slavery-Free World and Operation Underground Railroad. 

Something’s Gotta Change was officially released on August 11th; stream it on SoundCloud.

Review by Amelia Vandergast