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Hotel Room

Partying all night with new friends: The Charlie Kulis Band remind us of fun times with ‘Hotel Room’

They start the party right away will little warning. This is a band that likes to make their impression right away as they know what they want. The vocals are passionately sung and with the sweaty crowd in mind as they are true entertainers, and like to make their fans smile. New York based Americana/Country outfit The Charlie Kulis Band back the early talk up with a storming performance on their new dance floor hit, ‘Hotel Room‘.

With vividly described vocals that tell you story rather quickly, its sung with an end goal in mind and that is to be the life of the party. The band join in the fun and lift up the splintered spirits that have been locked inside for way too long. Their exciting energy is all about the party and getting the girls back to your room after the music is over. This is an ode to pre-covid days when life was much more simple, and humans could party all night without having to worry about too much.

The drinks and dancing is flowing on this one and hotel security are going to have a busy night as these musicians mean business. The New York lifestyle shines through here as this is the City that does not sleep usually. With so much to do, this is a common occurrence and the Americana style of the band is a thoroughly enjoyable listen that will put a smile on your dial.

The Charlie Kulis Band from New York have their game plan ready on ‘Hotel Room‘ as open the doors to living life that will be back again, before we know it.

Reviewed by Llewelyn Screen