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Hometown Glory

Say Goodbye: Dylan Emmanuel wonders if he has been on her mind for a while on ‘Unfamiliar Parking Lot’

Following on from his debut release ‘Hometown Glory‘ from 2019, Dylan Emmanuel returns with a sweetly toned single all about wishing you could be with your love forever on ‘Unfamiliar Parking Lot‘.

Dylan Emmanuel is a mysterious indie country singer-songwriter with a heartfelt style which has you feeling so introspective about the past as you look inside yourself for inspiration again.

He sings with a real grace that is so assured – as he looks deeply into her beautiful eyes – and calmly hopes that one day they can truly be together as one. With a mellow ambiance and featuring mood-altering vocals that are easy to get lost inside, this is a terrific track to close your eyes to and re-center your soul with.

Unfamiliar Parking Lot‘ from the youthful Dylan Emmanuel, is the song all about knowing you have to eventually say goodbye. Its been two long years and things have to move on so that both of you can be truly happy. Sung with a soulful manner which has you feeling so reflective, this is a true love story that sadly doesn’t have a happy ending right now.

Hear this new single on Spotify and see more via the FB music page.

Reviewed by Llewelyn Screen