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Homecoming has released their punchiest Indie Pop Punk single to date with the release of “Prime”

Pop Punk, Post Hardcore and Indie Rock all entwine in the explosively adrenalizing recently released single “Prime” from breaking San Antonio-based artist Homecoming.

They’ve gone right back to the roots of Emo and Pop-Punk with the bouncing anthemic choruses which stand as a testament to the production standard of Prime. Yet Homecoming played a bit of Machiavellian trick as they allowed the harmonically magnetic vocals to be interrupted by the raw screamo lyrics. The seismic shift in energy definitely wasn’t expected. Yet, it made the sticky-sweet choruses which followed even more absorbing.

No review of Prime would be complete without mentioning the guitar which borrows Indie Rock nuances to ensure that the track isn’t just a heavy-hitter. There’s also a smorgasbord of deftly intricate distinction within their playing style to gorge upon.

You can check out Homecoming’s single Prime for yourselves by heading over to SoundCloud now.

Review by Amelia Vandergast