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Histronic Rock

CLOUDS OF CLARITY took us ‘Back to Sanity’ with their pop-rock optimism-fuelling single.

Superficial Society by CLOUDS OF CLARITY

Lamenting modern times is easy, and truth-depicting snapshots have their place, but to fuel optimism while serotonin supplies are running low for everyone with the slightest view of the bigger picture, as CLOUDS OF CLARITY did with their single, Back to Sanity, is nothing short of exhilarating.

The soaring seminal single taken from the Swedish-based alt-rock band’s album, Superficial Society, comes with a euphoria guarantee. As the newly formed outfit deliver the funk, grooves and guitar riffs that are so out of this world they deserve their own Sci-Fi franchise, it’s impossible not to get caught up in the sanctum orchestrated by one of the most theatrically out-there outfits on any scene.

If any artist deserves the accolade of the 21st-century version of Queen, it is CLOUDS OF CLARITY. When histrionic flair is on par with lyrical intellectualism and juicy choruses that can spill light into the most melancholy souls, putting them on your playlists is the ultimate act of self-care.

Stream and download Back to Sanity on all major platforms via this link. 

Review by Amelia Vandergast