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Folk Thrash Metal Bands

Kevin Zen – Vampire’s Moon: Stripped Back Thrash-Folk

If you’ve never stumbled across Rock Metal Thrash-Folk before (don’t worry I hadn’t either), then Kevin Zen is the perfect introduction. In his stripped back performance of Vampire’s Moon you’re treated to one of the heaviest yet simultaneously bluesy rhythms you’ve ever heard.

Richard Hawley fans prepare for the Liverpool-UK based artist’s authentically resonant fret mastery. It’s kind of hard to believe that Kevin Zen doesn’t come from the backwater parts of Tennessee, yet, even with his northern roots he captures the grinding Americana vibes with the acoustic guitar. It’s also damn refreshing to hear an artist who doesn’t take themselves too seriously lyrically. The deft acoustic guitar wizardry let’s you know how serious he is about his sound, so why not have a little fun with the lyrics?

You can check out Kevin Zen’s sweetly melodic, yet raucously inclined acoustic rendition of Vampire’s Moon by heading over to his Facebook page. Give him a like while you’re there to stay up to date with his Folkishly captivating latest singles.

Review by Amelia Vandergast