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Nice and Juicy: FLIPPIN’ GOTHIC FABP munches on that appetising fruit with, HOW I EAT A MANGO

Taking another bite and loving each second no matter who is watching, FLIPPIN’ GOTHIC FABP knows that its definitely time to taste each fibre of one of the most mouthwatering treats in the entire world on the hugely enjoyable lesson for us all on how to appreciate a treat, HOW I EAT A MANGO.

FLIPPIN’ GOTHIC FABP (formally known as Fabp aka Fabpz the Freelancer) is a Jamaica Queens, New York-based hip-hop artist who loves his tracks laced by the crew at X-Calade Promotionz.

Sizzling with intent and educating us all about what is possible if enough care and precision are projected, FLIPPIN’ GOTHIC FABP will entertain many with this raw track to turn up rather loud.

HOW I EAT A MANGO from Jamaica Queens, New York-based hip-hop creative FLIPPIN’ GOTHIC FABP is an underground lesson on how to relish something so scrumptious, lives are changed from the first bite. Made with true fondness and dropping fire for us to lacerate into, this is the kind of single to play loud and with lips licking in anticipation.

Just let him eat in peace.

Check out this new music video on his YouTube page.

Check out this top-notch single on IG.

Reviewed by Llewelyn Screen