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Extra Edge

Possessing that extra edge: Motivated Birmingham 5-Piece By Devices remind us what counts on with ‘I Need To Win’

The rollicking start from Birmingham’s By Devices on ‘I Need To Win’ gets you to jump off your sofa as you dust off those old dance moves. Electric energy surges into your veins and you remember those sweaty clubs you used to frequent to see that band your mate told you about. This is an outfit that have nibbled on a bit of success and now they want the whole cake.

You feel their intensity as the build grows greater and great; the vocals echo through the speakers and this might be too loud for some. You want this band to win as they have that extra bit of quality that is missing in most bands armory these days as they worry too much about shallow fads and sounding cool. This is old school indie-rock that is simple and does what it says on the tin; kick ass rock music that pumps you up and get you in a mood to conquer all doubts.

His vocals are such a pleasurable listen as the band all mesh their skill sets to create a banging tune that needs more love. The desire of that summer again is heartily felt with a long winter in the UK expected.

The song swings all moods the right way and By Devices have that hunger you need to make it big in this saturated game. ‘I Need To Win’ is a storming effort that will annoy the neighbors that don’t know what top notch music sounds like. It doesn’t matter really however, as your mindset is focused on the things that really matter. Scoring the last minute penalty to win the game of life, is what counts in the end.

Block out the distractions on YouTube, Spotify and see the band’s socials via IG and FB.

Reviewed by Llewelyn Screen