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Songwriter Evih releases latest single ‘Love Stream’ with producer Gracefingers

With the quarantine transforming our lives into a coerced 24/7 indoor lifestyle, keeping us isolated and apart from family, friends and lovers, it often feels as if this Corona Virus pandemic is turning into a pointless battle.  However, according to Nigerian artist Evih, hope must not be lost and love can still be held tight.

To contrast this worldwide suffering, Evih released his new project ‘Love Stream’ on April 10th 2020.

‘Love Stream’ is a chill blend of afrobeats and pop, characterised by soft percussion and a melancholic sax melody that permeates the background, lending a characteristically smooth sound to his vocals and beats and making this song a must-have track in your chillout playlist.

”I’ve been waiting for you a long time”, “I can’t live without you”, are amongst the lines Evih sings to express the strains of the separation from loved ones, an almost eternal wait for this quarantine to end. You can tell that Evih believes in how love can heal, even  in the most daunting circumstances.

Maybe, we all should keep believing.

You can listen to Love Stream for yourself on SoundCloud.

Review by Jim Esposito.