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Dana Bruhn

“Rum” by Soulful Sara aka Sara Maatouk might be the most delicious music video of 2020

Phoenix singer-songwriter Soulful Sara aka Sara Maatouk has such a subtle voice that flies into your ears like a pleasant dream of winning a million dollars. She likes rum too. This is the story about why this is the best drink to consume into your thirsty throat without having a mega sore head the next day. Responsibly of course.

Rum” is the brand new single from this talented singer who dazzles here as she blends in smooth jazz with a bluesy ice style added for good measure. I feel relaxed and the visuals are fantastic. Sara Maatouk is in the local bar and tells us why she doesn’t enjoy other drinks. She is a woman of the people and always makes time for the locals. I feel like if Sara was a super famous star she would still be a local and head there to see friends and have a game of pool.

Shot stunningly by the ultra-talented Dana Bruhn, this is a wonderful music video that is enjoyable from start to finish. She captures Sara’s personality like a real professional that knows her quite well.

Stream the new official Rum song for the world to taste. Head to YouTube.

If you are more of a Spotifier then its okay, click here for more audio. Sara won’t mind.

Reviewed by Llewelyn Screen