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Dalarna. Sweden

You miss each other so much: Quicker sing exquisitely about the one that got away on ‘All Through the Night’ (ft. Emilia Gudmunds)

Quicker return with a lovely song about those sweet moments on their new single that will pull on your heartstrings called ‘All Through the Night‘ (ft. Emilia Gudmunds).

Dalarna. Sweden indie-country/rock band Quicker have been hard at work during this pandemic to finish up unrecorded music and the chance to work with their friend Emilia Gudmunds, was a moment that they all treasure greatly.

Her stunning voice is so touching after his strong vocals have set up the story about how things were so perfect and you stayed up all evening. Your bodies were so close as you got the know each other and everything seemed to be in slow motion. The world seemed so small and happy for those romantic moments and you never through they would end. Sadly, you grew apart and just like life sometimes, its suddenly over and you are left wondering why and what happened.

All Through the Night‘ has so many highlights. From the terrific guitar pieces that harmonize the melodies to get your heart beating, to the catchy chorus that makes you reminisce about past relationships that were so memorable and you miss that special human, who you fell so deeply in love with. Breakups are so hard but if it ends amicably, at least you can possibly have a friendship that isn’t awkward. You were friends once after all.

You can’t go back to time so the best way to heal is to remember the best moments together and keep them stored away for only you; to see and hold on close.

Stream this sweet song on Spotify and find out more about this glorious group on IG.

Reviewed by Llewelyn Screen