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Come to Me

Sizzling London-based Siren raises the temperature to sauna-like levels on Come to Me

Urging for the night to open up into something rather hot and steamy, Siren is at her mesmerizing best on her sexy new single, all about craving a special human on Come to Me.

Siren is a London, UK-based indie alternative singer-songwriter with body-altering vocals which seem to have mysteriously alluring superpowers.

Igniting a kiss-soothed spirit as she slides a dynamite-filled anthem for us to cherish for its realness, Siren shows us that intense moment so many have forgotten existed with a thrilling display to play all night long.

Come to Me from London, UK-based indie alternative singer-songwriter Siren is one of the hottest anthems likely to be made in 2022. Absorbed in a soothing blend of easy-to-get-lost-in vocals and a romantic tone, we find a loving story which is bound to relate with many who have felt that extreme passion before.

Leading us into her luscious vortex and winking slowly, this is a single that is best with the lights off.

Listen up to this new release on Spotify and see more via the IG page.

Reviewed by Llewelyn Screen