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Chill Indie

Hide and go seek is over: New York City singer-songwriter Ximone Rose is refreshingly reflective on the incredible ‘i Found Me’

Ximone Rose is transcendent on her new single ‘I found Me‘ and this is that peaceful pureness that is hard to find; unless you look deeper underground.

The former child-actor, creative and wonderful NYC singer-songwriter Ximone Rose, has a rare ability to change your mood with one note of music.

This is the story about how we all need someone to help you find yourself again. We all walk down the dark road and get lost sometimes. The world is confusing and our minds get wrapped up with so much plastic that we all need a lifeguard in the sea of life; to pick us up so we can reset our perspective.

Her voice is like a floating angelic memory, each word is made with such tender loving care as she weaves her way into our broken hearts so lovingly. The way she keeps her tone so effortless is absolutely mind-blowing and you feel like a huge weight is lifted off your tired shoulders. This is properly made music that has that extra class that you can’t teach. She was born with this gift that she has chosen to use, rather than walk into the other side of the music scene, that can cloud your innocence so quickly and scar you for life, weighing you down like a cement brick tied to your feet.

Feeling that youth inside you is so important in this serious world and being happy again should be high on your priority list. Ximone Rose shows us what really counts on ‘I found Me‘. She is a special talent who’s music will make you think and lift you up over any obstacle you may be currently facing.

Hear this top track on Spotify and see her music journey on IG.

Reviewed by Llewelyn Screen