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Cassidy Haley

I Can Hear The Sadness: Brookyn’s Cassidy Haley urges us to look further than the lies on ‘White Noise’

After being well-loved in the performance art arena for many years after making his well-respected name in music almost 10 years ago, Cassidy Haley sings with such caring intensity to help us to see more than what is been told in this strangled-for-truth world on ‘White Noise‘.

Cassidy Haley is a Brooklyn, New York-based multi-skilled creative, fashion model, stage performer, and solo indie-pop artist.

Interdisciplinary artist pursuing emotive expression and global transformation through all mediums from music to fashion to film.” ~ Cassidy Haley

With a marvellous artistic video that has your entire heart bouncing with enjoyment, Cassidy Haley shows his hunger for helping to educate and galvanize the world to join hands and solve all these issues we have currently. The message is one of doubt that the powers in charge can actually look at anything despite profit, as he sings with a steel-like strength that has to surely inspire many.

White Noise‘ from the highly talented Brooklyn, New York-based multi-skilled creative, fashion model and solo indie-pop artist Cassidy Haley, is such an affectionate effort from a true artist who sees more than most. He wants the world to do better, be more truthful and make sure that we don’t damage this planet any further with our misdeeds. With a cinematic feel and an optimistic soundtrack, this is a song to really take note of for its straightforward message.

Keeping the world alive for those who have not been born yet, should be the mission of us all.

See the new music video via YouTube and find out more on the IG music page.

Reviewed by Llewelyn Screen