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Care Free

Keep It Moving: London’s Sandy Nun transports us into a happier place on ‘Retrospect’

Taken off his brand new EP which is due for a 26th November 2021 release, Sandy Nun is at his care-free best with a simply freeing-the-soul single to ease the hurtful dust off any lingering self-doubts with ‘Retrospect‘.

Sandy Nun is a quickly-emerging London, UK-based indie psychedelic-pop solo artist who makes that peaceful cinematic style of music that has you feeling so much more relaxed than before.

Featuring delicious ice-creams, sandcastles, skinny-dipping and ultimately winning at life, Sandy Nun has just brought the world some pure joy in a time of such sadness. He sings with a calming mentality and doesn’t take himself too seriously – as his gracious energy lathers some much-needed sunscreen – all over our burnt bodies with a fantastic new single made with love.

There is such a welcoming and almost-vintage feel when you listen to this brilliant young musician who seems so at peace with himself, as he brings that tasty fresh air back into our lives. Sandy Nun projects his voice so effortlessly and has your emotions relaxed quickly, to show us that there is a healthier way of doing things than hurrying around so stressed all the time.

Retrospect‘ from the effortlessly charming London, UK-based indie psychedelic-pop solo musician Sandy Nun, is a cleverly-made video that is all about just going on with your life no matter what mishaps come your way. There is always a way of emerging victorious no matter what and staying positive thought-out is ultimately the best way to stay smiling anyway.

See his brand new music video on YouTube and see more via his IG music page.

Reviewed by Llewelyn Screen