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Way Too Loud: Librarians With Hickeys wonders if they will be reunited on Ghost Singer

Handclaps & Tambourines by Librarians With Hickeys

Shattering glass with a rather mesmerizing display to ponder for hours, Librarians With Hickeys wonder why time is so cruel when the moment is there to speak to someone truly special on Ghost Singer.

Librarians With Hickeys is a Burbank, California-based rock/pop band who has that stadium-sounding sound that will take you into a better galaxy.

Formed in 2019 and released off Big Stir Records, Librarians With Hickeys have dropped something rather enjoyable and show us their growing progression with a scintillating performance.

Ghost Singer from Burbank, California-based indie rock/pop band Librarians With Hickeys is a reflective single that shall resonate with so many who have felt that cruel tick of time strike away too soon. Sung with a roaring passion and performed with a majestic edge, this is the type of song that could take you into a timeless transportation all the way to our ideal picture.

Sometimes time may take you away from those who you truly have a genuine connection with.

Listen up to this new song on Bandcamp and check out their IG page for more news.

Reviewed by Llewelyn Screen