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Blue Collar

Dreams Come True: Alabama-based country artist Josiah Rodda puts the hard work in on Blue Collar

Sung with poise and love to teach us about his real story of grit no matter the challenges placed in his path, Josiah Rodda is the kind of role model from which we can take inspiration in his new single Blue Collar.

Josiah Rodda is a hard-working Alabama-based indie country singer-songwriter who has a truly humble nature which will calm the hearts of many who have grown tiresome of boastful fakeness.

Showing his true professionalism and with profound lyrics to match, Josiah Rodda is the kind of underground hero millions can relate to. He’s real and appears to be down to earth whilst being truly sincere about his craft.

Blue Collar from Alabama-based indie country singer-songwriter Josiah Rodda is such a feet-tapping single which might relax the stressed souls amongst us who needed something to ease into. His vocals are stress-relieving and you feel like you’re inside the room with him.

Listen up further via YouTube.

See more news on his Facebook page.

Reviewed by Llewelyn Screen