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Bianca Blakk

Packed My Bags: Bianca Blakk grows tired of those constant lies on Back To Me

Knowing that her former lover just loved her body and didn’t respect her enough, Bianca Blakk brushes off the past and knows that the road ahead is the place to be as she waits for the door to knock again on Back To Me.

Bianca Blakk is a rising 17-year-old indie pop/RnB solo singer-songwriter who is from the sunny climates of Australia’s West Coast.

With a vocal excellence and a bubbly personality you can’t help but love, Bianca Blakk has the power to give your racing heart a real jumpstart. Leading us into this passionate story which many shall relate to, displaying her dynamic charm and effortlessly urging us to subconsciously turn up the volume.

Back To Me from the youthful West Australian indie pop/RnB artist Bianca Blakk is a carefree single about that casual romance that can twist your mind if you let it. Sung with the purest voice you are likely to hear today and with such determination from a brave young woman who refuses to let her heart get broken, this is a special release. Showing us into the mind of our current generation, who just wants to have fun and avoid that unnecessary drama.

When you know they are hooked, you control all the moves.

Hear her newest creation on Spotify and see more on IG.

Reviewed by Llewelyn Screen