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Karice reached the pinnacle of sensuous intimacy in ‘Callin’ Your Name’

Taken from her eponymous sophomore EP, the up-and-coming soul singer Karice’s latest Afro Pop rendezvous, Callin’ Your Name, reaches the pinnacle of sensuous intimacy. Each of Karice’s singles is a visualisation of her life experiences, and Callin’ Your Name, in all of its elevated distinction, is no exception.

The voluptuously soft single runs through at a steady tempo, enabling the listener to savour each of the impassioned vocal notes as they create synergy with the sun-bleached instrumentals that made the single summer RnB pop playlist material.

After being introduced to the BeaconSkillz producer, Big Zo, in 2021, the collaborative alchemy soon spilled, resulting in her debut EP, Spirritated, in 2022. Between both releases, you will experience her soulful vocal dynamism and classy approach to orchestrating sonic feats of seduction.

The Karice EP hit the airwaves on May 11; hear it on Spotify.

Review by Amelia Vandergast