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Bad Breaks

Don’t Pay My Bills: Ryan Hamilton pens a letter to music industry executives on Bad Breaks

A sucker for whatever it takes mentality, Ryan Hamilton has grown so tired of nasty news and drops the frustration-filled soundtrack to a band who are tired of those empty wallets on Bad Breaks.

Ryan Hamilton is an award-winning Texas-based indie singer-songwriter who performs from the heart and is on a mission to control his own destiny.

I’ve been on the verge of tipping the proverbial scales for several years now. I’ve had some incredible people supporting
and championing me. Now that all the pandemic-related roadblocks are out of the way, it’s time.” ~ Ryan Hamilton

Fed up with being let down on his latest album by a massive mistake with the audio which pushed the release back, Ryan Hamilton sings for the millions of paycheck-to-paycheck musicians who have been let down by big business. This is honest to the core and real in the face, to teach the world how it all really works.

Bad Breaks from Texas-based indie singer-songwriter Ryan Hamilton is a rather revealing track which opens the curtain at the end of the gig. This is rather raw. Brave. Strong. To the point. This is a subject that has been brewing for many years and has just flamed up again, to show that artists deserve so much more than is being offered.

Soothe all ears with this single on YouTube.

Reviewed by Llewelyn Screen