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India’s Avaastavik thumps in with powerful psy trance ‘Aagam’

Released off the young and rising BlackTalk Records, Avaastavik Aagam‘ is a powerfully potion that has just swooped in to help us get over being stuck inside.

Avaastavik is an Indian DJ and producer specializing in the subgenre of psychedelic trance, techno and heavy bass trap. This song slams in with confident swagger and the music video is fantastic.

A serpent around his neck, the embellishing crescent moon on his head, the holy river Ganga flowing from his matted hair, the third eye on his forehead, the trishula, as his weapon, and the damaru. Mahadev is here. The wait is over. Every second of this track has something thrilling in store for you. ‘Aagam‘ lays bare the heartfelt love of Mahadev for his worshippers behind the sacred Ananda tandava and the opening of the third eye.

The electrifying psytrance beats are great to dance to and Avaastavik has pounced in with ‘Aagam‘.

Stream here for this striking video on YouTube.

Reviewed by Llewelyn Screen