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Au-Turn unveiled a hypnotic reflection on the naive faith of youth with ‘Water Boatman’

Water Boatman is the quintessentially quaint saturated in delay sophomore single from Dolan Hewison’s solo project, Au-Turn. After working fretboard magic in the legendary outfit, New Fast Automatic Daffodils, Hewison has turned his attention to writing, playing, and recording his first solo work in 25 years, inspired by the stagnation of lockdowns and the purchase of a loop pedal and piano.

With angularly clever lead guitar work that effervesces in the same vein as Slowdive, a touch of Half-Man Half-Biscuit playful lyrical obscurity, and an experimental production style that almost resonates as a lo-fi extension of the style popularised by The Flaming Lips, and some spoken word verses to boot, Water Boatman is a vessel you will want to pour yourself into time and time again.

We’re officially stoked for the forthcoming Au-Turn debut LP, No.1, which is set to be unveiled on the 2nd of June.

Water Boatman is now available to stream on Spotify.

Review by Amelia Vandergast