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Take a seat in Astrels’ latest alternatively soulful synthscape, Kings Table

Kings Table, a standout track from Astrels’ LP The Velvet Sea and the Afterglow, showcases a masterful blend of style and influence, marking it as a significant entry into the world of alternative electronica.

The single begins with an introduction that subtly nods to Grandaddy, skilfully weaving echoes of classic rock elements into a modern synthscape. As the track progresses, it transforms into a soulful orchestration, reminiscent of the emotional depth and vocal prowess of artists like Seal. This transition showcases Astrels’ versatility and their ability to evoke a sense of nostalgia while remaining firmly rooted in contemporary sound.

Astrels’ talent for creating a progressive and dynamic sonic journey is evident throughout the Tour De Force which reflects a deep understanding of musical structure and progression, moving seamlessly from one theme to another while maintaining a cohesive overall sound.

As the track builds towards its climax, it incorporates trance-like elements of EBM, infusing the composition with a rhythmic energy that is both dance-worthy and emotionally engaging. The fusion of melodic and rhythmic elements ensures that Kings Table is not just a song to be heard but an experience to be felt, making it a standout addition to any electronic soul playlist.

The debut LP, from which Kings Table is taken, continues the spiritual and electrifying journey that Astrels began with their debut EP, Metropolis Psychosis. Take a deep dive, you won’t regret it.

Take a seat at the Kings Table on Spotify.

Review by Amelia Vandergast