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Anjalts – On Your Side: Provocatively Sensual Art-Pop

While everyone is jumping on the Kate Bush hype, it isn’t a far hop across to the up-and-coming art-pop singer-songwriter and producer, Anjalts’ latest sensually provocative single, On Your Side.

The minor keys in accord under the 80s-Esque production wrapped in haunting reverb create the perfect atmosphere for Anjalts’ translucently lucid vocals to bleed into. It is a full-on sensory experience that naturally words alone can’t capture. On Your Way leaves no room to wonder why it is on its way to going viral. We can’t wait to hear the alchemy that undoubtedly lingers in the LP that is set to follow On Your Way.

On Your Side is now available to stream on YouTube. And you can check out Anjalts via her official website.

Review by Amelia Vandergast

Fighting for what is right: Anjalts calls for the ferocious fires and blatant deforestation to stop on ‘Air to Fire’

When you grow up listening to your uncles hiking stories about their adventures in the Amazon, that is something you will never forget. Anjalts is a part of the new school music fire brigade that has had enough of spineless ‘leaders’ not doing anything on ‘Air to Fire‘.

American singer-songwriter, Indo-Caribbean-raised multi-instrumentalist & composer Anjalts fights the good fight on her inspiring ‘Air to Fire‘ chronicle to the world. The raging fires are burning California, the Amazon rain forest and many more globally. She wants the conversation steers towards solutions, not greed and indecision that is causing so many damage that is threatening so many lives and destroying a sacred part of the world.

Her hauntingly beautiful voice going right through your soul. The realness is so easy to see and she sings with heart and kindness to a cause that has been entrenched inside her from her family. This is a woman who knows what is right and the simple message is one that needs to be heard.

With a story so vivid and a voice so conscious to the needs of those in her community and beyond, ‘Air to Fire‘ from Anjalts is a song that is more than music. This is a message from a sweet soul that wants what is right and isn’t interested in profit margins. She is a voice for the voiceless and for this, she needs to be admired for taking a stand and not hiding away. The world is burning and we need fellow humans to join together and take a stand for this incredible important cause. Music is the healing waters that can sooth other all and make a difference.

Support this artist on her Spotify and see what she gets up to next on IG.

Reviewed by Llewelyn Screen