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Alternative Lo-Fi RnB

Get your self-esteem back with Mitchel Logan’s latest single Don’t Really Need You

Mitchel Logan

Is there anything better than belated epiphanies which occur after you realise that other people in this world are never the source of your happiness or purpose? Mitchel Logan’s Alt Lo-Fi RnB track Don’t Really Need You perfectly captures that liberating feeling of elation.

Don’t Really Need You holds the same accordant appeal of Lou Barlow’s melodically intimate solo project, yet, any comparisons to Mitchel Logan’s sound are incredibly fleeting. What starts out as a lofty minimalist Indie production evolves into a passion-soaked intensely beautiful track which simply drips with empowerment. If your self-esteem needs a boost after a romantically tragic battering, hit play.

You will be able to check out Don’t Really Need You from October 23rd via all major streaming services. In the meantime, you can head on over to SoundCloud to check out their former releases.

Review by Amelia Vandergast