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alaska underwater

Drowning Underwater: Allalonealaska shows us those worrying tears on the heart with the excellent let u down

Feeling the pinch of that faith that can be instilled too soon for many who aren’t ready, Allalonealaska is quite sublime on a sizzling single that will remind you of those classic 90s sounds you can’t ever forget on the running from love anthem, let u down.

Allalonealaska aka alaska underwater is a Los Angeles/UK-based indie alternative artist who is surely only headed to the top with such ear-soothing music.

Electrifying our fences with a pure rawness that soon floats into a comprehensively brilliant display, Allalonealaska defies the odds with a single that should be in all of our playlists for when we need a proper boost. Deep in detail and vocally stunning, this is a quite extraordinary soundtrack for 2022.

let u down from Los Angeles/UK-based indie alternative artist Allalonealaska is a tremendous song that shows us the pressures of that lost faith that should guide you to calmness instead of anxiety. Charged with a rare quality that has been missing recently, we find a heart-boosting release that will surely make you feel alive again.

Finding that peace within despite all the battles going on inside your head is the ultimate journey, after all.

Hear this top song on Spotify and see more on IG.

Reviewed by Llewelyn Screen