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Aiming At The Stars

(If) I Missed You – The new release by John Greska from his debut album Aiming At The Stars

Pleasantly melodic and with a touch of entertainingly sarcastic narration in the verses, (If) I Missed You is the new release by John Greska from his debut EP Aiming At The Stars.

Combining indie pop structures with instrumental proficiency almost deriving from classical music, this song is a surprising combination of cheerful melodies juxtaposed with cutting lyrics. While describing a hurtful past relationship, what originally sounds like it’s veering towards a romantic plea is quickly sabotaged by a mocking tone.

Among other things, I thoroughly enjoyed the passage between the gloominess narrated in the early verse, quickly broken by the laugh that precedes the chorus: “that’s what I’d say if I missed you”.

Resulting in an experimental ballad, picturesque in style, John Greska emerges for his creativity and pure spirit capable of assembling pieces of avantgard art into a poetic track.

Aiming At The Stars is an entire tale to be told, and you may want to start by listening to (If) I Missed You on Soundcloud.

Review by Jim Esposito.