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Those Heavy Souls opened the doorway to the Britpop pantheon with How High’s Too High?

With plenty of stylistic and introspective substance to put behind their indie rock swagger, Those Heavy Souls hit the ground (trail)blazing single, How High’s Too High. Orbits above indie landfill, this indie dance rock hit, which takes the infectious rhythms of Kasabian and Led Zeppelin and gives them a gritty 90s Britpop edge, won’t know when it’s time to stop reverberating around your mind after the outro.

With red-hot wailing guitars searing across the frenetic pace of the single which is punctuated by strobing synths, electronic breakbeats and bass drums big enough to kick you in the chest, the single asserts itself as a definitive indie anthem.

If you’ve ever come close to slipping into hedonistic oblivion to escape the fray of a torn material reality, How High’s Too High will hit hard enough to bruise. After news of the Oasis reunion has swept up the UK in a fever of indie nostalgia, How High’s Too High is the perfect track to remind indie fans that there are plenty of contemporary acts worthy of the Gallaghers’ iconic status.

How High’s Too High? dropped on August 23rd; stream the single on all major platforms, including Spotify.

To stay up to date with news of the debut LP, Without Our History We’ve Got No Future, follow Those Heavy Souls on Instagram.

Review by Amelia Vandergast

Columbia’s Craig Lewis Opened a New Chapter with His Debut Single, Everything’s Changing’ in His Sonic Rebirth Solo Project

Those Heavy Souls

The disbanding of Columbia was a bitter pill to swallow in 2022, but if anything can sugar it, it is the debut single from frontman Craig Lewis, who has lost none of his strength as a one-man powerhouse in his new project, Those Heavy Souls.

Everything’s Changing” is a far more lyrically intimate exhibition of Lewis’ artistic edge, whereas the alt-90s and 00s indie aesthetic, inspired by Kasabian, The Stone Roses, and Doves, remains just as infectiously robust. As you mourn the pace at which our society is disintegrating from recognition, you’re caught up in the kinetically tight, flawlessly produced mourning of what we’ve lost in recent years. Everything’s Change is the ultimate salve for the socialist soul looking for a semblance of sanity and sanctuary.

Lewis’ ability to take a deeply lamentable subject and augment it into a rhythmically compelling hit is a sure-fire testament to the fact that Columbia may have never reached the stadiums that they were well equipped for, but that hasn’t got in the way of Lewis delivering euphoric swagger infused with a quintessentially British sense of ennui.

We already can’t wait to hear what is lingering in the pipeline from the artist who knows exactly how to hark back to the nostalgia of the Britpop era without assimilating. He isn’t just merely exploring intersections; he’s pushing boundaries to the point of deconstructing the framework of nostalgia.

Everything’s Changing will be available to stream on all major platforms from May 3rd. Find your preferred way to listen via Those Heavy Souls’ official website.

Review by Amelia Vandergast

Tiny Camels have got the minuscule hump in their sophomore release, One of Those Days

Determined to reinvent Britpop for the 21st-century airwaves, the Cardiff-hailing outfit, Tiny Camels, made melodious headway with their sophomore single, One of Those Days.

By abstracting the laddish swagger that became as synonymous with 90s Britpop as bucket hats with a sweeter vocal register that defies gravity with its interstellar soaring hues around the eternal sunshine in the indie pop guitars that wrap around the kaleidoscopic atmospherics, Tiny Camels delivered euphoria without the hits of ecstasy.

With indie rock hooks as sharp as the ones crafted by the Vaccines when they semi-permanently implanted Post Break-Up Sex in our mind for the entire duration of 2011 around the jangled and angular elements of new wave indie that creates a romantically effervescent sphere of the soundscape, One of Those Days lies on a plateau above the rest of the 2023 indie landfill.

One of Those Days hit the airwaves on September 22; stream it on SoundCloud.

Review by Amelia Vandergast

Ell South hit the ground ‘Running’ with her sophomore 80s synth-carved pop single

For her latest single, Running, the endlessly accoladed singer-songwriter Ell South fused ethereal artfulness and synth-carved 80s nostalgia to invite her audience into an aural chamber of honesty, vulnerability, and clarity.

Anyone who has ever known how brutal a battle of wills can be when you are going up against your own mind will see themselves reflected in a crystal-clear mirror when they allow the all-consuming vocal harmonies to take control of their psyche.

The stabbing synth lines with 80s-esque massive percussion and driving basslines give the track the same sense of resilience that radiates from the lyricism, while the lashings of reverb in the poetically illuminating atmosphere will sell sanctuary to the soul – especially the ones weary with ennui.

A certain degree of the authenticity within Ell South’s sound stems from her Welsh and Slovenian roots. She saw music as a right of passage after coming of age in a musical family and clearly came into her own while leaning on an eclectic array of influences.

Since making her debut, her music has featured on BBC Radio Wales, and her debut single launch was performed to a capacity crowd. She’s perceptively on the rise, but something tells us that won’t stop her from reaching out to her fans to lift them when they’re down.

Running hit the airwaves on the 25th of July; you can hear it by heading over to Spotify.

Review by Amelia Vandergast

Ell South hit the ground ‘Running’ with her sophomore 80s synth-carved pop single

For her latest single, Running, the endlessly accoladed singer-songwriter Ell South fused ethereal artfulness and synth-carved 80s nostalgia to invite her audience into an aural chamber of honesty, vulnerability, and clarity.

Anyone who has ever known how brutal a battle of wills can be when you are going up against your own mind will see themselves reflected in a crystal-clear mirror when they allow the all-consuming vocal harmonies to take control of their psyche.

The stabbing synth lines with 80s-esque massive percussion and driving basslines give the track the same sense of resilience that radiates from the lyricism, while the lashings of reverb in the poetically illuminating atmosphere will sell sanctuary to the soul – especially the ones weary with ennui.

A certain degree of the authenticity within Ell South’s sound stems from her Welsh and Slovenian roots. She saw music as a right of passage after coming of age in a musical family and clearly came into her own while leaning on an eclectic array of influences.

Since making her debut, her music has featured on BBC Radio Wales, and her debut single launch was performed to a capacity crowd. She’s perceptively on the rise, but something tells us that won’t stop her from reaching out to her fans to lift them when they’re down.

Running hit the airwaves on the 25th of July; you can hear it by heading over to Spotify.

Review by Amelia Vandergast

In The Papers: Cardiff’s The Vanities wonders if we will see the future on Private Army

Swerving away from their usual sound with an epically performed orchestral affair to hold hands in hope with, The Vanities strike the clocks of our moral code with a rather special effort which is due for release on 31st March, Private Army.

The Vanities is a Cardiff, Wales-based 90s-fused grungey-like 80s synth/electro-pop/rock outfit that only ceases to amaze the underground with its tailored-for-excellence sound.

After impressing all listeners with previous marvels Dropping A Bomb, London and Hollywood Hills, The Vanities simmer deeply about the ravaging wars and the scarcely believable actions of humankind.

Sung with genuine care to the state of play in the world and bringing us such a different experience, shows us their astute brilliance and all-around authenticity in a seemingly fake world.

Private Army from the excellently projected Cardiff, Wales-based band The Vanities is a quite spectacular song which deserves all the love in the world. There is a leader-like mentality on offer and soaring melodies to get lost inside. Breathless throughout and giving humanity a message to hear at full volume, this is proper music for the soul alright.

Listen up closer on Soundcloud.

Reviewed by Llewelyn Screen

Give Em Every That I Need: Death Cult Electric looks for the girl with the kaleidoscope eyes on Lucifer in the Sky with Diamonds

With thunderous energy which might rattle many eardrums into full alertness, Death Cult Electric swarm all speakers and leaves a little sting to deal with too on their venomous new single Lucifer in the Sky with Diamonds.

Death Cult Electric is a Cardiff, Wales-based indie alternative rock band who are known for their appealingly aggressive live shows which shall elevate the soul into a euphoric place.

The vocals chaotically scream and boast outlandish yet incomphrensible proclamations to the backdrop of fuzzed-out guitars that sound mad with power. Never has something sounded so anti-establishment as it does corporately evil.” ~ Death Cult Electric

Roaring through with that Welsh passion and excellent spundscape to get lost inside, Death Cult Electric must be one of the most thrilling bands in the UK right now. They are that good.

Lucifer in the Sky with Diamonds from Cardiff, Wales-based indie alternative rock band Death Cult Electric is one of those rare moments when a song truly delivers. Smashing walls down and never letting up for a second, as we float rather quickly into what is possible in life if there is enough intensity involved.

Hear this fine new single on Spotify. See more via IG.

Reviewed by Llewelyn Screen

Desperate Times Call for Damning Juggernautical Anthems, Cardiff’s Columbia Answered That Call with Their Dark Psych Rock Hit, Disorder

Following the phenomenal success of their 2022 album, Embrace the Chaos, the Cardiff indie alt-rock innovators, Columbia, have unleashed the all-consuming furore of their post-punk-tinged post-Britpop single, Disorder. With the harbingering urgency of the swaggering vocals as they paint a damning depiction of our dystopic bleak modern age against the vortex of psych guitars, Columbia reached the pinnacle of visceral realism with Disorder.

I don’t think I’ve been this excited about a newly discovered band since I tuned into Desert Mountain Tribe for the first time. It comes as no surprise that their producer at Kings Road Studio described Disorder as the biggest sounding track he’s made with a band. It’s a juggernaut that makes no bones about dragging you into the dark disparaging societal view was born from.

Disorder is now available to stream on Spotify.

Review by Amelia Vandergast

Frakard – Slate: Play It Loud, See It Live


Cardiff’s loudest and tightest alt-rock trio Frakard went into frenetic overdrive with their latest single, Slate. With their respective influences counting Architects, Soundgarden and Steely Dan, Slate is a melting pot of familiarity fed through stylistic raucous swagger.

Sonic appeal aside, Slate truly comes into its own through its witty questioning of our relationship with nostalgia, the nihilism that comes with age and the ever-pervasive climate change fear. If you’re anything like me and you’re sick of lyricists that scrape the bottom of the IQ barrel when penning their lyrical hooks, you will be a Frakard fanatic by the time this anthemic juggernaut of a release that comes with an arsenal of razor-sharp lyrical lines hits the outro.

Slate will officially release on November 11th. Check it out on Spotify and scope out Frakard on their official website.

Review by Amelia Vandergast

Always Save Me Your Worst: Nine Lives surges through with intent on Crystal Ball

ASMR - EP by Nine Lives

Taken off the razor sharp new 4-track release with authority to charge up power-stations for weeks called ASMR – EP, Nine Lives takes us right through the noise and into something previously inconceivable on the drum-breaking new track, Crystal Ball.

Nine Lives is a Cardiff, Wales-based indie garage-rock band who sinks their teeth into every track they assemble and tear through the seams with nail-biting effect.

Raucous, fuzz-laden riffs over big beats and a healthy dose of mayhem.” ~ Nine Lives

Thrilling the entire galaxy with a special single to enlighten the minds of many, Nine Lives move with cat-like precision and shall get your heart bouncing with delight.

Crystal Ball from Cardiff, Wales-based indie garage-rock band Nine Lives is a massive reminder that finding those frigid seas within the soul of someone is a scary proposition. Saucing our ears with so much to certainly treasure and heartily remember, this is a hefty single which will open our eyes and get those feet moving again.

When you finally get away from the evil, you may resume your life for the better again.

Open your ears on Bandcamp and check out their social moves on IG.

Reviewed by Llewelyn Screen