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More Than We Need: London’s Burlington hopes we can still climb those mountains on ‘Mind for Mind’

With a comforting resonance that has you feeling so succumbed in his calming vocal capabilities, Burlington compels us to endeavour for more so that humanity may be stronger and not more lethargic with ‘Mind for Mind‘.

Burlington aka Matt Burlington is a London, UK-based indie vocal house solo artist, nature explorer, music video editor, and keen swimmer who is always naturally developing.

Burlington, this being his second musical presence, decided to shift over into indie-pop when he realized that he did not have to be attached to one single sound. This genre allows him to explore his more acoustic and alternative sound whilst his alter ego “Matto” allows him the freedom to create that ever loved house music.” ~ Burlington

Burlington is an artist that sings with such an amiable tone, that you just want to listen to him all day. There is something rather unprecedented about this promising musician, who seems to effortlessly project what many are imagining through his wise words and transfixing behaviour.

Mind for Mind‘ from the London-based indie vocal house and former indie-pop artist Burlington, is a charming single from a fast-rising artist who is always looking to improve and challenge himself. It’s this inspiring mindset that makes him one of the most compelling underground acts in the UK today – as he takes us on a peacefully reflective journey – into being in the moment and nothing less. Life is all about exploring after all.

Hear this fresh new single on Spotify and see more via the IG page.

Reviewed by Llewelyn Screen