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One of Them Ones

Roy Dae speeds in with the the striking ‘One of Them Ones’

Rapper Roy Dae speeds in with his latest effort called ‘One of Them Ones‘.

Former Pro Basketball player and now emcee, Roy Dae, first began to gain traction in the music business with his previous street banger ‘Rolex Diamonds‘. He returns with this new release and shows a growing wordsmith who is very confident in his abilities. He sets the mood here on this one and is worried that a girl wants to tie him down. He is in no mood for this and feels like this is his time.

She wants to be with you so bad but you like being single, this is your moment in the music career and you know you will have time for that later. Things could be bumpy as you are great together but you like being free and partying wherever and whenever you like.

One of Them Ones‘ from rapper Roy Dae flows in with a tight Hip Hip track with lots of trap influences. It will be fascinating to see if this artist evolves or stays with this sound.

Stream here for the Soundcloud link.

Head to his YouTube page to see vids.

Click here for the Insta page.

Reviewed by Llewelyn Screen