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NJ Hip Hop

NJ Rapper Jay struck gold in his old-school lo-fi hit, Another Man’s Treasure

The NJ hip-hop artist running his feverishly witty bars under the mononym, Jay, turned up the heat by cooking with old-school flavour in his lyric-driven hit, Another Man’s Treasure.

After a crackling jazzy prelude, the lo-fi chill-hop hit kicks into full swing under the evocative duress of Jay’s vocal delivery which puts even more emotion into the compelling lyricism that paints a grim picture of systematic racial violence and oppression.

There are few opening lyrics as cutting as “this game wasn’t made for the darkest of brothers”. From there on out, the lyricism makes even fewer bones about holding a blood-stained mirror up to society, allowing it to see what it has become.

Another Man’s Treasure will officially release on March 3rd. Hear it on YouTube and SoundCloud.

Review by Amelia Vandergast