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New Wave Electronica

Sebastian Akselberg offers lovelorn anguish around instrumental resolving bliss in “Wish You Were Lonely”

There’s no preparing you for the resolving bliss found in Norwegian and Russian trailblazing Pop artist Sebastian Akselberg’s single “Wish You Were Lonely”.

As you listen to the all too relatable lyrics which poignantly capture the lacerating feeling of watching someone move on while you’re still caught up in them, the light an invitingly textured feat of Alt-Pop will draw you deeper into the track until you reach a stunning synth solo with cavernous spaces around Sebastian Akselberg’s porously evocative vocals. But the track doesn’t end there, before the seamless fade out, there’s a final kick of momentum which affirms the level of passion which the artist projected into this mix.

I have a feeling it will be quite a while before I get those spacey airy indulgent tones out of my head.

You can check out Sebastian Akselberg’s latest single Wish You Were Here along with the rest of their 2020 album Amare via Spotify.

Review by Amelia Vandergast