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Man On The Moon

South London’s One-Eyed Disco are curious as to what others are saying on ‘Man On The Moon’

With a look down to Earth as they are flying high above to find a better world for us all, One-Eyed Disco returns with an awesome track that will be stuck in your head for ages with ‘Man On The Moon‘.

One-Eyed Disco is a South London, UK-based indie-punk 4-piece band that have ravishingly likeable energy that might have you feeling a bit sweaty after a few listens.

With lyrics that perfectly capture the darker side of modern society, and the joys that can still be found therein.” ~ One-Eyed Disco

Displaying a sound that has you edging up the volume and pestering the neighbours with a speaker-shaking track that is meant to uplift us to greater heights, One-Eyed Disco is quite fantastic with a new single that is up there with the best releases of 2022 so far.

Their sound has been described as the love child of original Arctic Monkeys and Kasabian, with lyrics that perfectly capture the darker side of modern society and the joys that can still be found therein.” ~ One-Eyed Disco

Man On The Moon‘ from the South London-based 4-piece band One-Eyed Disco, is a proper catchy breeze-filled track that will have you in awe of their tremendously fired-up sound that reminds you of some of the great UK bands. They seem to have found a winning formula here and with this being the first release from their new EP, you might have found your new favourite British band to fall in love with.

Check out this new single on Soundcloud and see more via IG.

Reviewed by Llewelyn Screen