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Synth-soaked Sapha styles the loops to perfection with stunning ”Isolated”

Based in Wuppertal in Germany this is a loop-filled song with all-time goodness. Producer Sapha revives our battered hearts with this marvelously created Avicii (RIP) type beat that triggers all those hairs on my arms.

A purely instrumental song with no lyrics, this is all about helping us feel a but better after this dreadful lock down that has taken so many lives and torn the world. Pure music is hard to come by these days but this is a lovely treat that has been baked with love. ”Isolated” is a harmonious effort from a quality producer.

I like the vibe here as the sound is so pure and make me feel a bit happier and thinking less about what is going on outside. You can hear some harps here and the beat builds up to be very inspirational with that lovely piano beat. All in all this is a stunning single here that creates a lovely wave of energy that we can all climb and float on the water for a while. Staying sane in this time is the key to mental health and more music like this is always welcome with open arms.

Head through to Soundcloud to hear this fantastic track that will help with the blues.

Reviewed by Llewelyn Screen