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Doctor’s Order

Maren Davidsen wonders when that self-love will click into place on ‘Doctor’s Order’

After being told to get more sleep and to take care of that all-important precious soul, Maren Davidsen has just released a special song that was hidden away from the world for almost ten years and is called ‘Doctor’s Order‘.

Maren Davidsen is a London, UK-based indie-pop singer-songwriter and mental health advocate who performs with a vocal lushness that is rather heartwarming.

Portrayal of the many battles young girls, and women, go through in finding their own identity and path.” ~ Maren Davidsen

With a raw story that was written when she was just 17 years old, Maren Davidsen shows much courage with an honest song that is hugely inspiring and shows us that the mind is such a powerful force that can define you if you let it.

Doctor’s Order” has been that secret gem I kept to myself for years, not sure if I would ever be ready for the world to hear some of the quite intimate details of what I was going through. Now, the more I’m getting to know my life through making music, I realize having a platform to talk about the things others are equally scared of is what makes art meaningful to the world. I was looking for answers everywhere else but within to figure out who I was. I hope the track will make listeners feel less alone while hearing it and that it has the potential to support others through their struggles.” ~ Maren Davidsen

Doctor’s Order‘ from London, UK-based indie-pop singer-songwriter Maren Davidsen is a superb single that is sung from the heart and includes lyrics that are right on point. Displaying that picture of asking for help from a trusted source who is guiding you to the right path, we are placed in a moment that can change everything if the right decision is made.

When you learn to love yourself, everything else takes care of itself.

Hear this vocally stunning effort on Spotify and see more on her IG.

Reviewed by Llewelyn Screen