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$B The GøD

Chose To Waste My Time: $inful Bluu knows that the heartbreak could have been averted on 2AM IN L.A.

Taken off the 7-track release from May 2022 called Ruby, $inful Bluu jumps in the coupe and is far away from the drama even though this selfish figure is still in her heart at 2AM IN L.A.

$inful Bluu aka $B The GøD is a 24-year-old South Florida, USA-based indie lesbian hip hop/RnB artist who shows us her intriguing charismatic personality on each track.

”As a singer and rapper, she has been heavily influenced by artists such as Kehlani, Drake, Morray, Summer Walker, and more to capture both of those talents into her own unique sound.” ~ $inful Bluu

As she draws us into her romantic side that was ready for the next step that is now laced with disappointed tears, $inful Bluu simmers the speakers with a striking I-hate-you-but-I-love-you anthem for anyone who has felt this cruel wrath in your bones.

Brimming with honesty about that empty feeling that gets your eyes wide awake for longer that you want, showing us that regretful tone as you let someone evil inside your life.

2AM IN L.A. from South Florida, USA-based indie lesbian hip hop/RnB artist $inful Bluu is a stunning track that might cause many to delve back into a locked-away memory you wish to delete from your past.

Opening the door and showing us what is feels like right now-this is a brave track from a sensationally talented musician-who has dropped one of her best tracks yet.

Hear this fine new single on Spotify.

Reviewed by Llewelyn Screen