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Alexander Paris

Pandemonium for our bodies to savor: Alexander Paris does it his way on the color-filled party tune ‘Neon’

Alexander Paris shines his light bright with a torch-lit thunderbolt to wake up those sleepy senses that have been awaiting quality dance music on his new single ‘Neon‘.

Indie-dance creative producer wizard Alexander Paris is a man who makes music that is fun to the listener and uplifts your mood to unimaginable heights of pure bliss. He has that inner enjoyment of life entrenched inside his bones and you can feel his unmistakable energy while engrossing yourself in his sensational creation.

Our ears will grunge and your soul will rave- Alexander Paris

This is the vivid party story of wanting to feel so free on that slippery night club floor with so many flashing lights and sweaty bodies, as you dance like your life depended on it. This is the wild night where you make best friends for that one evening, hugging and shouting excited noises at each other, while you jump around until your feet can’t take it anymore. This is the best feeling imaginable and one where you feel exhausted the next day but is a time you know you enjoyed, even if it might be a bit hazy the next day.

The beat only gets better and better as the song builds like a free climber up a monstrous mountain, you think you have found the cliff and then you see more. His voice is so full of belief and he feels that this where he belongs-inside the music and with fellow like-minded souls that just want to dance and forget their worries for one night.

Neon‘ from Alexander Paris is an illuminating dance entry that is exactly the type of song that we need to skip back into step and find our groove again. Living for that dance floor pandemonium is one way to stay alive, deep inside your soul.

Fire up your mood on Soundcloud and see more stories on IG.

Reviewed by Llewelyn Screen