Sarah Reynolds sings beautifully about her strong faith on ‘Covers Me’

Sometimes, a certain singer just strikes your soul. Sarah Reynolds sings so beautifully about her strong faith on ‘Covers Me‘ and this is a stunningly projected song.

You can feel the love, it covers you and you feel happy. You feel pure and that trust is there and can’t ever be broken. You feel enlightened by all the energies that consume your mind and filter through your body. This is what peaceful love should be like. Things need to be real with no fakeness.

Singer-songwriter, composer and upcoming producer Sarah Reynolds is excellent on ‘Covers Me‘ and her voice takes your mind to another place. You remember when you last thought about your faith and what it means to you. The world moves so fast and sometimes things get lost. This is a performer with an abundance of real faith and she sings so beautifully. The words strike through your heart and you get it. Self-reflection is so important, if only just to take a minute to relax.

Click here for the Spotify link.

Reviewed by Llewelyn Screen

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