Crypt On Guard: Albert Bagman chokes on the bloody bits with Razor


Pointing us into his sinister creation that might astonish you awake if you were innocently napping, Albert Bagman draws some blood and takes us for an excursion like no other on the cutting edge soundtrack Razor.

Albert Bagman is a Columbus, Ohio-based indie singer-songwriter who is unlike any musician you have ever heard in your life and keeps things distinct throughout.

The neighborhood recluse, the failed comedian, the medium of madness; Albert Bagman is an all-year-round Halloween hooligan sharing their love for ghosts and the unknown.” ~ Albert Bagman describing his life so vividly

An entertaining street poet who is clearly before his time, Albert Bagman is that guy who we went to school with and admire his eccentric ways. Rasping with ideas on the daily and taking us for a wild ride, to a whole new galaxy that we didn’t even know existed.

Razor from Columbus, Ohio-based indie singer-songwriter Albert Bagman is a sharply made release that is laden with layers of witty lyrics and a deep tone that might shock many. He has the ability to strike your senses alive and is truly original, no matter what the season is.

In a greedy world where many copycats just want to drink other’s milk and pretend it’s theirs, this is an artist to cherish for just being himself.

Hear this axe-swinging single on Bandcamp and follow the movement on IG.

Reviewed by Llewelyn Screen

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