Columbia harnesses the dystopic 2021 ennui in their latest indie-rock hit, Glory People.

Cardiff’s most visceral powerhouse, Columbia, created the ultimate embrace-the-chaos indie rock track with their latest single, Glory People. As sonically powerful as the high-octane psych-tinged rock hit is, that scarcely comes close to the stadium-filling energy that transpires through Columbia’s advocation of making the best of what we have.

So often, people get stuck in lament because their imagination can create better lives than the one reality puts before them; Columbia broke that negative feedback loop by serving the anthemic reminder that adversity isn’t the end of the world; it is a given. Just as the Stone Roses were a sign of the times, as are Columbia with their indie rock sound that aspires to unify through dystopic 2021 ennui.

Glory People was officially released on December 3rd, 2021. You can check it out for yourselves via SoundCloud.

Review by Amelia Vandergast

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